von Nina Saniola | Jan. 11, 2022
The Skolt Sámi Heritage House and the open-air museum by it tell about the history of the Skolt Sámi inhabitants of Sevettijärvi (120 km to the Northest from Inari village).
von Nina Saniola | Jan. 11, 2022
Inari sámi church is located in the middle of the living lappish culture in Inari village. It is the only sámi church in Finland. There is the strong lappish atmosphere inside the church. Inari lutheran sámi church is located in the middle of the living lappish...
von Nina Saniola | Jan. 11, 2022
The UNESCO General Conference decided in 2015 to create a dedicated programme for Geoparks, much in line with, for example, the World Heritage and Man and Biosphere programmes. The Geoparks Network first emerged when four geologically interesting areas located in...
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